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Tag "research projects"

Illustration for news: Gender inequality among university faculty caused by vertical segregation

Gender inequality among university faculty caused by vertical segregation

The new article on topic "Gender differences in pay among university faculty in Russia" by Victor Rudakov, CInSt research fellow, and Ilya Prakhov, CInSt senior research fellow, was published in Higher Education Quarterly.

Illustration for news: CInSt members presented their most recent research at the AMEC Conference in St-Petersburg

CInSt members presented their most recent research at the AMEC Conference in St-Petersburg

The St.Petersburg School of Economics and Management at HSE University hosted the second edition of the Analytics for Management and Economics Conference.

Illustration for news: The schedule for CInSt Research Seminars is now available

The schedule for CInSt Research Seminars is now available

We invite everyone to join our research seminars. Seminars are held on Thursday at 18:10 in K416 (11 Pokrovskiy Boulevard, Moscow)

Illustration for news: CInSt Researcher Victor Rudakov Visits Center for Research in Higher Education Policies in Portugal

CInSt Researcher Victor Rudakov Visits Center for Research in Higher Education Policies in Portugal

For the last month, Victor Rudakov, Research fellow of Centre for Institutional Studies and Laboratory for Labour Market Studies, worked as a visiting researcher in the Center for Research in Higher Education Policies, Porto, Portugal.

The article devoted to the study carried out at CInSt under the supervision of John Nye caught attention of web media

New book about global academic rankings is out

In collaboration with the Center for International Higher Education the Center for Institutional Studiesis delighted to announce the forthcoming (March 24, 2016) publication of The Global Academic Rankings Game (Routledge).

CInSt is a part of the new global initiative in international higher education

Center for Institutional Studies became part of the Group of ‘Global Centres for International Higher Education Studies’

New working paper "Does Biological Endowment Matter for Demand for Financial Services? Evidence from Russian Household Survey"

New working paper "Does Biological Endowment Matter for Demand for Financial Services? Evidence from Russian Household Survey" by Maria Semenova and Irina Andrievskaya.

New working paper "Institutions and Visa Regimes"

New working paper "Institutions and Visa Regimes" by Camila Gracheva, Leonid Polishchuk, Koen Schoors, and Alexander Yarkin.

Social Networks Can Support Academic Success

Social networks have been found to influence academic performance: students tend to perform better with high-performers among their friends, as some people are capable of inspiring others to try harder, according to Maria Yudkevich, Sofia Dokuka and Dilara Valeyeva of the HSE Centre for Institutional Studies.