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Institutional Competition and Governance Quality: Experimental Evidence from Afghanistan (научный семинар ИНИИ)

Докладчик: Рубен Ениколопов (РЭШ).

Докладчик: Рубен Ениколопов* (РЭШ).

7 июня, четверг, Ауд. Ж-804 (Покровский б-р, 11), 18:10

Using a randomized field experiment across 500 Afghan villages the study identifies the effect of the creation of democratic councils in rural Afghanistan on the quality of local governance, as measured by the equity of the distribution of food aid by local leaders. The study also identifies the independent effect of specifically designating local governance responsibilities to the democratic council and of involving women in local governance. The results indicate that when democratic councils are created, but not designated, local governance outcomes worsen. In addition, the mandated involvement of women in the distribution leads to worse outcomes. Optimal outcomes occur when democratic councils exist and are designated specific responsibilities and when democratic councils do not exist, but where women are not mandated to participate in local governance.  The results indicate that local governance is improved by institutions which clearly assign responsibilities to specific actors and that the existence of overlapping institutions may adversely impact quality of governance.


*Ениколопов Рубен Сергеевич  - доктор экономики (PhD), профессор финансов имени ОАО «Нордеа Банк», Российская Экономическая Школа